Thursday, January 27, 2011

Inflamed Cervix Causes

How can you compare a work of art come la Notte Stellata di Van Gogh ?
Semplice...non si può...
Impossibile eguagliare una creazione così meravigliosa, ma come vi avevo anticipato nel post precedente (visto che quest'anno voglio mantenere le promesse che vi faccio :P eheheh) ho voluto comunque provarci e nonostante quanto premesso devo ammettere che sono davvero contenta del risultato!

Si ok non c'è la cittadella in basso a destra, ma in 6x5 centimetri di cernit non si può pretendere troppo no? :D
Ovviamente è tutto interamente modellato a mano con moltissima pazienza, un lavoro veramente lungo per il quale non è bastato modellare, ho dovuto anche incidere order by obtaining different color effects and "sense" of movement of the brush strokes of Van Gogh
Even if you buy this you can find it in my shop on artesanum ^. ^

E Finally .... a little touch really kitsch .... the moon and the stars glow in the dark! Oo a little fun .... I like to think that if Vincent had the materials of today he would give her the chance to light up the dark night skies ^ __ ^

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kates Playground Breast Silicon

Impressionism prêt-à-porter

The works of impressionist artists are always used in crafts. Over the years I noticed that the most popular of all is Klimt, one might say that his works are so beautiful that even a garbage can become a wonderful object when you are stuck on the Kiss of Klimt and his beautiful nymphs! But without taking anything away from anybody, I would say that it is easy enough to paste a picture on something to make the most beautiful and interesting, and when the images are paintings by Klimt I regret to say that it all becomes rather too obvious ...
I really like the Altered Art but it is done with style, originality, and if behind all this there are also concepts and humor that are part of everyday life as does my dear and talented friend Ilaria Filo and Ila colors, then the top of the top!! And of course his little works of art have nothing to do with a small object stuck all over with a picture of Klimt! Indeed about Klimt, Ilaria has recently made a request on his personal interpretation of ' tree of life and as you can see by clicking on the link made entirely by hand, a truly unique and special gem !!!!!!
All this to say ..... if it comes to art of the real one, of what everyone likes, the copy and paste .... worth little more rework and reinterpret the subject, using their own materials and putting so much heart .... and a touch of madness ^ ^

back to me, I recently saw a movie on RAI film about Toulouse Lautrec, this made me do a little dip in the past, made me think back to my studies in art history, I always had a special passion for Impressionism, and who is my favorite? Monet of course, that's why I thought of its nymphs to start this new line of jewelry. I think it's limited in number, in the meantime for those interested, this series is already in the shop on my Artesanum ...

I painted many of these lilies, always changing vantage point, modifying them according to the seasons and adapting to different lighting effects that create change its seasons. And, of course, the effect is constantly changing, not only from season to season, but also at any moment, as the water flowers are far from being the whole show, is in fact only its accompanying . The basic element is the body of water whose appearance changes every moment for as bits of sky are reflected giving life and movement. Capturing the fleeting moment, or at least leaves the impression that it is already difficult enough when the play of light and color concentrates on a fixed point, but the water [...] , being a person so mobile and constantly changing is a real problem [...] . A man may spend a lifetime in a similar work.

Claude Monet

Monday, January 24, 2011

Crest And Whitestrips -deal -coupon

Welcome .... to my "new" corner .... The Vampire Diaries

Prato bench for a Cake Topper, work in progress ...

Welcome, sit back, enjoy the scenery, smell the flowers, eat them or if you prefer ^ ^
I am Silvia, I'm 31 years old, happily married since May:) I
again to you, with new graphics and a blog in the name!
Ambitious? Hmm .... perhaps, but not I've done so far? One day

Sara, my gnome, saw Morkies and said that like her first love, so he asked me to adopt him and carry on a girlfriend to represent her.
* A very special thank you to Sara *
because she has completed the new header with those beautiful writing!

Once Frank contacted me and told me that he had seen the Auryn and I realized that his best friend had always wanted one, so I commissioned a Auryn Adriana ... which is proud and jealous its teSSSSoro: D

A couple of months ago I wrote Isabella, a friend of Palermo, who told me she liked a lot my Trollino but she wanted one of his own ... he was drunk! So I created this Trollino just for her:) And what about

Selena? She loved my cake topper, but he wanted one in which there was purple and above all ... a unicorn! So I created this cake topper for her with a cute lilac unicorn and many flowers! And yet

Alessandra who wanted a love Follettina with a pacifier in her arms and a heart ...

To them and all others that I have asked to accomplish something they wanted but still had never seen anywhere, I dedicate the new name of my blog. Have I not shaped by their small dreams? Just as I created for myself and many others, as well as continue to do in this new year.
So welcome to my new little virtual space, where there's all that I have created so far and where there is still room for plenty of new features, which I hope will continue to appreciate as you have been doing.

Friday, January 7, 2011 Freemovies

I hate Twilight.
I do not think there is better way to introduce this new theme in my blog ... Who does not
know either will not understand, just think "but there are vampires in both?" it is true, in both series of books about vampires, I reply with this brief conversation between Caroline and Damon, in the scene where precisely ... talk about Twilight (the fourth episode of the first series for those who If you are interested ....)!

Caroline: Because you do not shimmer?
Damon: Why I live in the real world where vampires burned in the sun!

In this series the vampires sbrilluccicano, do not waste time in useless baseball games put them at random because you do not know what to write. Yes, I hate Twilight, and I sorry if this will affect me in the bad publicity among the people in the vampire genre, but I'm not making these creations Vampire Diaries theme to make it a business but only because I love the series and the writer I also like ...

Ok ... without controversy, now I can return to the subject XD
has long had a pin that he needed a beautiful restoration chabochon because he was really horrible at the center, as well as you'll see that the series inspires me and I love it, I planned on doing the cameo by Katherine Pierce (at the moment is between the bad guys but I think there is a change ^. ^ or at least I like pensarlo) e di mettere delle perline a tono, ed è veramente rinato!

Non ho foto di com'era prima, nel momento in cui mi sono decisa ho pensato solo a smontarlo e modellare il cameo!!! Bhé vi sarà ormai chiaro che questo è mio :D eheheh e mi dispiace comunicarvi che sarà anche impossibile rifare una spilla come questa, non saprei proprio dove comprare la base visto che il negozio in cui l'avevo acquistata è stato chiuso!!! Però sto già lavorando su un altro cammeo e presto (spero) pubblicherò un'imitazione della collana di Katherine, ma non sono tanti bellissimi bijoux in quella serie, e molti altri che verranno concepiti dalla mia testolina in stile vampiresco e in sintonia con i personaggi...
Le idee sono tante, e per ora anche il tempo non manca, quindi spero di mostrarvi prestissimo molte novità!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sheet Cake Design Ideas

New Proposal for 2011 Season

After the post "Let the factual circumstances and with the addition of comments to Caesar, we decided to synthesize the main ideas in a poll came out during the year.
tuttto what 'to give one more tool' to Alexis and Caesar, which are the true mind and arm the game, if you understand what 's new love by the majority, and it' simple to introduce them into the system without adding too much administration Alessio.

The cases examined are: 1

Penalties for accidents: Malus to change, see if Barilik read comments: malus extreme

second auction system, see: infrastagionale market and revaluation items

2b infrastagionale Market System, see: infrastagionale market and revaluation items

3 see new devices comments: race strategy

4 Further Measures to Help Limit: read first comment: Ideas and Updates

The details of how to do it technically I think it is up to Alex / Caesar but please read carefully the proposals ( added and the link below) to see what di queste secondo voi rappresenta un vero enhancement.

1)   Penalita per incidenti: Malus da modificare
Breve Summary: Dopo una gara in cui il pilota Vettel speronava con mossa azzardata il povero Button vennero tolti dei punti "malus" ai due piloti anche se il secondo non poteva avere alcuna colpa.Difatti la direzione gara reale infligge un Drive Thru  a Vettel ma nessuna ammenda a Button.
Effetti: il -6.3 nel nostro FF1 Clark ha fatto retrocedere in 6a posizione il pilota Button di Barilik Racing  (avrebbe potuto arrivar terzo se Button avesse avuto 0 gia' di per se un  malus!) e di sicuro ha impattato anche sugli altri campionati
Proposta da votare a destra: Cambio della regola e applicazione del malus solo al pilota che sbaglia quando i giudici di gara assegnano una penalita' per aver causato un incidente. Nel caso in cui non ci siano penalita' la regola resta invariata.

2a Sistema Asta
Breve Summary: problema dei ribassi eccessivi e miglioramento delle dinamiche d'asta.
Proposta da votare a destra: Introduzione di una base minima da applicare agli elementi suddivisa per Classe.

Eventuali altre migliorie, dopo aver introdotto questa modifica.

2b Sistema Mercato infrastagionale
Breve Summary: Il deprezzamento degli elementi e' lineare e legato non al reale valore dell'elemento ma dall'offerta fatta all' asta iniziale o al momento dell'acquisto.
Proposta da votare a destra: si potrebbe ipotizzare una rivalutazione o una svalutazione degli elementi in possesso e di quelli disponibili a seconda dei risultati.Svincolandoli dal prezzo pagato inizialmente.Per l'effettiva scelta dell' algoritmo da scegliere si fara' una pensata tra chi l'ha proposta e chi la deve implementare semplicemente.

3 Nuovi accorgimenti Gratuiti

Breve Summary: dare piu' variabili ai giocatori per condizionare l'esito della gara e rendere piu' emozionante il GP reale e fantaGP. 

Proposta da votare a destra: Bonus/Malus Strategia:
+Punti se si acquisiscono posizioni in piu' rispetto alla griglia di partenza  - punti se si perdono posizioni.
La quantita' dei punti da dare/togliere e' al vaglio di studio, si pensa ad un rapporto 1/2 tra punti dati e persi.Maggiori dettagli sui commenti del Blog .
Esempi Attuali : a Fasce : +1 punto se si guadagnano da 1 a 5 posizioni, +2 punti se si guadagnano da 6 a 10 posizioni, +3 if you earn 11 points posizoni up. Malus twice or three times the bonus.
to overtaking Difficulty: +0.2 points if you earn positions in the rear from the last position to 15th, +0.4 points if you earn positions from 15 to 10, +0.7 points if posizone earn from 10th to fifth, and +1 from fifth to first position. Malus
twice or three times the bonus.

4 Further Measures to Help Limit:
Brief Summary: Relate the advantages and disadvantages of driving to the limit on the number of elements of the same terzetto.dare a +4 Free indifferentemento those who have an element, 2 or all 3 components of the same pilot 'at least debatable.
Effects: fact, if one has three different elements has a lot more 'likely' that one of the three do not come, so we know the collection and not scoring even though there's the other two elements.
Proposal to be voted to right: vary the driving factor in the limit:

+ 2 if you have 3 items of the same team

+ 4 If you just have 2

+6 If elements are all different.

enjoy yourself e. ..
Vote Vote!

Caesar / Enrico