Monday, March 9, 2009

Small Bowel Obstruction Avoid


A novelty is the most popular in recent years is the medicinal wine. It 's a drink that can otte­nere da un buon vino casalingo (8 o 9 gradi) e che per di­ventare medicinale, appunto, deve essere alzato, nella gra­dazione, aggiungendovi picco­le quantità di alcol puro che si trova nei negozi di liquori.

Per ottenere l'innalzamento di un grado si devono aggiungere 14-15 millilitri (centimetri cubi) di alcol puro per litro, a seconda del grado di partenza.

Generalmente, quando si vo­gliono preparare vini medici­nali, è da preferire il vino ros­so. Il vino bianco, invece, si pre­ferirà nella preparazione di vino medicinale ad azione diu­retica perché in questo modo si sfrutta il suo naturale pote­re diuretico.
In the preparation of medicinal wines you can use plants or parts of them (such as flowers, fruits, leaves, roots, rhizomes, bark, etc.) purchased in herbal shops, already almost ready to be used.

However, anyone who wants it and knows the various types of herbs and their properties, can directly collect the material that interests him. In this case, the collection must be undertaken in the period of greatest concentration of active ingredients.

The plant or part thereof, must be crushed and kept in the best way for a period not exceeding one year. The herbs should be preserved in glass jars airtight, while the flowers are kept in the same way, but in dark containers or in dark environments.

The main enemy of herbal products is the moisture, which is why the drying operation must be done carefully in the shade and air, as quickly as possible. Roots, bark and fruits are also dried in the sun, in the oven or on a heater, making sure that the temperature never exceeds 40 degrees.

medicinal wines, which are called enolates with technical language, are obtained by macerating the cold for a certain period of time, a given quantity of medicinal plants, or part of it, in a quantity of wine that is able to solubilize medicinal substances in plants.

course, you can prepare a medicinal wine by blending different herbs and obtaining a medicinal wine mixture. In practice, we proceed as follows: it takes a lot of herbs and grass, after he chopped finely, we make it to marinate for a few days (two to ten, but even more) in wine, then decanted, the squeezes the solid and filtered with a piece of cloth or, if you want a more accurate filtering, with a special filter paper.
Il vino così ottenuto si versa in una bottiglia di vetro scuro, ben piena e sigillata, conservata in luogo fresco e buio. Il vino medicinale va bevuto a piccole dosi, in bicchierini da li­quore e nei momenti indicati.

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