Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wholesale Wooden Fingerboards

Pigna beans famous for their smooth taste and delicate flowers bloom

Thanks to recent EU legislation on origin, including legumes with the "mark" there's also this specialty, which is grown in the Ligurian hinterland for over three centuries.

• Famous for their soft, delicate flavor, these beans have thin skin, which allows for quick cooking (20 minutes) without added water to soften.

pignasca • According to tradition, usually accompany meat dishes (famous is the goat with beans), but their taste makes them ideal peraffiancare even fish dishes.

Despite the dominant presence of the sea, Liguria is one of the few Italian regions che non utilizza la pesca come principale fonte di cibo. La sua gastro­nomia è ricca di prepara­zioni contadine, a base di cereali e ortaggi, condite con l'olio della Riviera e ricche di aromi.

La fascia montuosa che le fa da coro­na presenta un panorama agricolo tra i più vari. Ba­stano pochi chilometri per passare dalle colture medi­terranee della costa (olivo e vite), ai pascoli appenninici dell'entroterra. Nei pochi scampoli pianeggianti (le famose "terrazze liguri"), si coltiva di tutto, anche pro­dotti poco aristocratici, co­me i legumi, che riescono ad acquisire virtù gastronomiche tali da essere anno­verati tra i prodotti tipici regionali da proteggere e diffondere.

It 's the case of bean grown in Pigna, inland town of Imperia, where this legume is home to more than 300 years. Its inhabitants knew him at the beginning of 600, thanks to intense commercial activity of the coastal towns of the Riviera, where he landed the English ships laden with food of the New World. Along the road leading to the Kingdom of Savoy, the Phaseolus passed Pigna and his little village of Bugg, an ideal place to lay their roots.

A foothill land rich sediments, and spring water rich in minerals that give flavor to vegetables. The bean is Pigna also called "white bean" for white-polished outer skin and the appearance, typically kidney-shaped and round, reminiscent of the famous beans, but the dimensions are smaller.

The seeds are planted in the ground in early July, taking advantage of summer weather conditions, which at 626 m above sea level, never reach too high temperatures. The main feature is its outer skin, very fine, which depends on the type of growing medium and water for irrigation, along with a botanical expert selection, allows to limit the concentration of cellulose and in e-micellulosa superficial part. When

the harvest of the pods, the cuticle covering has not yet thickened and the seeds are very soft, especially in cooking. A little thick cuticle also absorbs water more easily eottura and with it the aromas that are added (celery, carrots, tomatoes). If you prefer, instead, allocate the beans for drying, it is necessary to extend the maturity on the plant. Thus, the outer integument becomes richer in cellulose and is able to withstand shock, moisture and attacks by pests during winter storage.

fresh beans may be kept in the freezer for months, even years resisting the dry grain in containers di vetro riposti in locali ben asciutti. I semi freschi cuociono in 20-30 minuti in acqua bollente, senza aggiunte di sale o bi­carbonato. Al contrario, bi­sogna porre una certa at­tenzione a non lasciarli bol­lire troppo: il rischio è di spappolare tutti i semi.

Ol­tre che nella zona di colti­vazione, i fagioli di Pigna si trovano in molti ristoranti e drogherie della Riviera e presto, grazie alla denomi­nazione di origine protetta richiesta alla Cee, anche fuori dei confini regionali.

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