Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sadlier Oxford Level E Answers

Eating Healthy, Eating Well: the large and diverse world of food

The large and diverse world of food is divided into two chapters that I am always very distinct from one another: The gastronomy (food is a pleasure) and healthy (eat well or badly by health or illness)

On the web there are now hundreds of websites and magazines that deal with power.

Incredibly, no one can treat the subject in a coherent, honest and complete.

The information that you have found three major flaws: *

are not consistent because they often contradict themselves (what today is bad tomorrow is good ...) *
not complete because he who writes does not have a vision outdated food.
* They are often polluted by commercial interests that affect the quality the message, deceiving the people who can control their weight effortlessly affindandosi to miracle products (stimulators, pills, etc.). A

information of this type produces a widespread disregard of the public towards a healthy diet, which continues to be seen as punitive. He continues to eat at random to undergo weight-loss diets that is Go piutosto a healthy and enjoyable at the same time.
Our starting point is the concept that good food is a right, not a sin that you can find an optimal compromise between pleasure and health.

health and 'the good that more' is important to us, but how often, for lack of information or culpable negligence, we establish real attacks to it?

Nutrition plays an important role in safeguarding our health: that 'we are very dependent on what' we eat, so 'quality' of the food we eat and 'more' important than many people think.

It 'then must eat foods with the most' natural and fresh as possible, non-GM crops from organic, biodynamic possibly, certified course, which have undergone less processing and can be respectful of all chemical and physical characteristics of the food without addition of dyes and artificial sweeteners, no preservatives, if not natural and harmless.

It 's not a question of fashion. E 'health issue. The feeding of healthy foods is becoming a necessary requirement for achieving the condition of being where "body-mind-spirit are in perfect balance and work together to function 'of the body and health.

Health and 'knowledge of a few rules. Indeed one of which is summed up in one word: "balance" in your body which then is reflected in the environment and draws strength from the per un maggiore armonia macrocosmo-microcosmo.

Avere un'alimentazione equilibrata, adeguata ai propri bisogni, pone le basi per un reale cambiamento, poiche' rida' vigore e nuove energie all'individuo nella sua interezza, in modo duraturo.

Quando si usa il cibo per risolvere un reale problema di salute la dieta dovrebbe essere personalizzata e non usare un regime dietetico unificato, perche' e' un fatto che riguarda una persona specifica, con precise necessita' fisiche, mentali e spirituali, con cadenze, programmazioni uniche e deve tenere conto della storia individuale.
Usare l'alimentazione come mezzo per curarsi e per prevenire malattie fa parte della cultura dell'essere human since prehistoric times. Traditional Chinese medicine, even today, in special diets, use "soup" healing.

in the West with "use" of drugs in the industry and we 'lost the habit of using the treatment "thumb" of the grandmother who took care of us and had no side effects. Power then having the right support to our needs as' vital, but also to aid in the correction of any abnormal situations in the body.
Food intolerances are the most important causes that disturb our mental and physical shape. The 'Clinical Ecology, medical branch that studies the phenomenon, and' born in 1945 and is' highly developed in England and Germany.

They are real addictions to common substances like foods that give symptoms after years of apparently well-being. They must be distinguished from allergies, and acute intoxication from food poisoning that always have a very precise and narrow chronological connection.

According to our holistic medicine and natural disturbances (metabolic, allergic, respiratory, cutaneous, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, psychological, ...) derive from a sum of potential pests ranging from the air we breathe, electromagnetic pollution, the noise from neighboring apartments, the stress of everyday life, all the food we eat now and not manipulated natural as it once was. Hence the significant increase of degenerative diseases that are functional.

said prof. Hans Seyle Montreal: "It 's as if the body had a level of tolerance, beyond which it can not maintain homeostasis, and therefore came under' disease '."

With appropriate and simple tests (EAV, Vega, Mora, kinesiology, ...) and 'can tell with absolute precision what are the factors disturbing the individual and those diseases that cause chronic often disabling functional (headaches, allergies , constipation, diarrhea, obesity ', asthma, colitis, hives, dermatitis, ...) that are otherwise only the answers symptoms.

It turns out, often, that they own the lion's share of food intolerance, and e 'to be sufficient in many cases, eliminate a food from our diet for a short period, while practicing a natural detoxification therapy, to improve quickly our health.

Always prof. Seyle us from 'bad news, however: "The most suspect foods are usually those that consume more, because we like a lot." This apparent paradox is explained by the three phases of the "general adaptation syndrome"
1. Alarm
2. Adaptation
3. Exhaustion

Classification of reactions Adverse food .
1. Allergy: reaction event with simultaneous, or nearly so, to a food ingested (eg, hives after eating strawberries, angioderma after eating shellfish, etc.)..

2. Pseudoallergic: enzyme deficiencies (for example, favism).

3. Hypersensitivity reactions to foods that release histamine (eg, red wine, chocolate, canned fish, etc.)..

4. Toxic reactions: mushroom poisoning or spoiled food, etc botulism.

5. Food allergies: adverse reactions resulting from ingestion of food.

Test for food intolerance.

ALCAT Test: and 'the computerized version of the cytotoxic test. The difference 'in contact with the suspected food is placed on whole blood, because inside there are substances that can join the action against the white blood cells.

After about ten minutes, the other components of blood and white blood cells are destroyed (placed on a slide) are read by a computer, which does the same job as a laboratory technician, but in a more rapid and reproducible.

Cytotoxic Test: are based on a consideration made in the thirties, "when the white blood cells come into contact with a substance to which the body and 'intolerant there is a destruction or modification, which can' be analyzed under a microscope. "

cytotoxic tests consist of a blood sample. The white blood cells are separated from other components, divided into several groups: one for use as an element of comparison (as are the white blood cells when they are not subject to contact with substances "harmful") the others are put through a food differently. The laboratory technician, microscope, white blood cell counts, observes the shape and volume to check for possible changes.

Test Cargo after a thorough interview with the patient, the doctor identifies the food that may 'lead to intolerance, which is removed from the diet. After about two weeks the food is introduced again in the menu and if the symptoms reappear, and 'clear that the suspicions were accurate. Otherwise you have to start over. This test can 'go on for a long period and sometimes a year or more, because the suspect foods may be many. Dria

Test: based on the principle that a negative stimulus (such as a food is not tolerated by the body) causes a loss of muscle strength. During the test Dria must wear some sort of ankle and where 'added a force transducer (device that measures muscle strength and transforms it into a chart) connected to a computer. Sitting you run a motion with the leg after the doctor has paid a liquid solution into the mouth of the food. In one hour food are tested about 30/40 suspects.

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