Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Get Ridof Red Hands

The chestnut red, handed down by a particular combination of ancient knowledge.

Along with wine, chestnuts were once the usual food of ordinary people, due in part to their easy availability and high power efficiency.

Today we left behind the basic needs of the caloric requirement and instead look at this result with the attention that is devoted to the pleasures of the table and the concept of matching food and wine, you realize the value of this particular combination handed down from ancient wisdom.

Why red wine, however, is usually the most appropriate? It is true that much depends on the time of service, the seasoning and other ingredients that will make up the recipe, but it's worth ricordare che la gradevole presenza nei vini rossi, anche in piccola quantità, del tannino, una sostanza praticamente assente nei vini bianchi, mitiga la succulenta pastosità tipica della castagna.

Anche se si tratta sostanzialmente di un prodotto molto versatile che trova abbondante collocazione nella nostra tradizione gastronomica, vanno ricordati nello specifico alcuni esempi.

La farina di castagne, ricca di amido ed uti­lizzata in aggiunta alla farina di grano duro per preparare paste fresche oppure essiccate richiede in abbinamento vini freschi e sapidi come una Barbera del Monfìerrato od eventualmente anche leggermente vivaci come uno spu-meggiante Lambrusco di Sorbara able to counteract the tendency of the sweet dish.

If it is proposed, instead, a pleasant interlude, or a nice snack with the classic chestnuts cooked on charcoal fire in an iron pan with holes, you can pull over young red wines, fragrant, undemanding and H ^ gari with a slight residual sugar to mitigate the slight bitterness emanating from cooking over direct heat, such as Cagnina di Romagna, or Blood of Judas and the hills.

with chestnuts boiled in salted water and sieve to schiacciapate or you can prepare an excellent puree, following the same procedure used for the puree Jdfepatate, to use as a contour to accompany beef or pork sausages.

In this case it will be appropriate, depending on the cooking, use red wines more like a velvet painting Teroldego Rotaliano or an austere and tannic Aglianico del Vulture. The combination

chestnuts and red wine has ancient origins. M still a classic table
Nor should we forget that, because of their powdery consistency, the chestnuts are very useful to enrich a vegetable or meat loaf to give consistency with which the fillings are stuffed guinea fowl, turkey, or more generally, all poultry noble.

The presence of vegetables in the first case, will direct our choice to a young red as a Grignolino d'Asti, while the meat will be better for a mature Red Refosco dal peduncle.

When dessert we could really play around with pancakes, chestnut, candied chestnuts in syrup, or the classic marron glacé. Here the addition of sugar will make so evident the sweet component to advise important and structured wines, which are characterized similarly exuberant sweet note, in this case will be very good and complex as the wines soft or sweet Refrontolo Aleatico Elbe .

some recipes you might like:

rings chestnuts and ham

chestnut gnocchi with fontina

chestnuts sautéed in tartlet

Chestnut with chanterelles and montasio

rustic chestnut with bacon

Feuille with pumpkin and chestnuts

Mont Blanc

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Free Vidoes Of Monica Roccaforte

Blomming rulez XD

Blomming The street is .... hyperactive! ^ ^ And ipercreativa
It 's a nice place in which a group of virtual friends (and many other people) has set up shop ....

I imagine it's a bit like this street on a canal in Venice (photo taken from here ) very colorful, very characteristic and even a little crazy ...
Ongun of us is doing to grow their store, to ensure that the community will grow each of us advertises not only herself but also her friends, because there fantastic value for the neighborhood that makes it possible not only to all of them have a certain visibility to passersby, but also to grow some good friends .... when the barriers are cleared of the Web can this happen! So we can almost hug when we greet each other, it seems as if our stores are real, there seems to be really in the street .... and this also allows us to give more peace of mind to those who are generally reluctant to buy on the Internet by those who know little or not at all! Behind all this there is
Blomming , a site where you can really make your buying experience using the most popular means of payment in internet: Paypal!
Il sito è gestito da persone molto in gamba che aggiornano un magazine nel quale ci hanno dedicato questo post !

Oggi finalmente anche io realizzo il mio post con presentazione e spiegazione annessa....
La presentazione l'ho fatta.....adesso viene il bello XD ahahah
Dunque...innanzi tutto come in qualsiasi altro sito di questo genere, per effettuare acquisti (e ovviamente anche per vendere) occorre essere iscritti, quindi se non l'avete ancora fatto provvedete, ci vogliono pochissimi minuti! E poi? Come si fa a comprare?
In realtà anche questo è semplicissimo, ma siccome noi vogliamo lend a hand to those who are unfamiliar with these things, we are creating this post so that our potential customers do not encounter difficulties !!!!!

Come potete vedere in questo "embed" di una creazione di Ilaria, ci sono tutta una serie di pulsantini che consentono di effettuare molte operazioni rimanendo sul blog in cui si trova l'oggetto che volete comprare.....
Adesso vi spiego a modo mio come si fa, ma se sono in grado di spiegarvelo è proprio grazie ad Ila e a questo suo post in cui è tutto spiegato con immagini in modo che nessuno possa dire "eh non l'ho capito..." ahahah
Cliccando su BLOMMING in un'altra pagina si aprirà la home del sito.
Cliccando la lente d'ingrandimento si ingrandisce l'immagine.
Casetta, "cosino strano" e la I: cliccando il cosino (scusate for short-term technical ...) you can choose to share a platform on which the object by clicking the info I have there, as a description and price, click the little house back to normal view dell'embed. And finally there is
BUY, which is obviously the key you need to buy !!!!!!
If you want to buy once you click Buy you will see a "band" with which you can go ahead with purchase. CHEKOUT you click to buy the thing, CLEAN CART to cancel ...
Ok .... now what? Obviously Chekout is the last thing, otherwise people will end up with the paypal drained: P at this point opens a screen in which you place i propri dati e dopo aver controllato che sia tutto esatto si clicca il tasto in basso a destra per procedere con l'ordine, a questo punto avete finito e vi darà conferma che l'ordine è stato effettuato.

Sia io che alcune amiche, abbiamo deciso di dare un'altra possibilità di pagamento, che vedrete denominato Money Order, sceglietelo solo se intendete pagare con un accredito da effettuare su postepay, se volete pagare con Paypal dovete segnare il pagamento Paypal Express Checkout!!!!

Sono stata poco chiara e non avete capito un tubo? XD anche questo è possibile, quindi prima di qualche altro embed, vi linko i post delle altre amiche in modo che qualcosa of unclear or missing can be recovered by reading what they wrote them.
Sara explains what Blomming , what we offer compared to other platforms and what is missing (or missing, as the Italian version now available)
Judith presents the Blomming Street in a playful manner and ^ ^ joyful
Liria tells us how we came up Blomming and what we are enthusiastic
Alessandra us a summary of the various episodes XD
Silvia sobering on which people have little desire to get mixed up in traffic and hence on what is comfortable and easy to buy online!

links to all the shops can be found in the gadget to the right (ehm. ... maybe a little more up hahaha) and now .... EMBED !!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Birthday Inviation Wor

Nuova Stagione,Nuove emozioni!

Nuova stagione alle porte e nuove scuderie che vanno formandosi propio in questi giorni con l'asta.
Il team 2 volte campione del mondo in carica AyrtonSennaRacing  del campionato Clark e' atteso da una difficilissima prova: quella di confermarsi campione per la terza volta ed entrare nell' olimpo dei 10 giocatori piu' vincenti della storia della FF1.
Mai come quest'anno pero' sembra difficile individuare il terzetto vincente, i test in corso non danno indicazioni  molto attendibili e, ad un mese dall' inizio del campionato, le scelte importanti sono ormai fatte.
Sara' molto interessante vedere come ifluiranno le nuove regole nel nostro gioco (Especially the race strategy), which certainly add more 'variables by increasing the' importance of prudent management of the race by the Team Manager.

nice surprise last year and 'the output to film a documentary on the history of the legendary Ayrton.
As his fans of course I did not lose 'even if it would have been nice to see this movie with other fans of F1 which you (the league is that other Clark) who live in the area.
Unfortunately, the programming and 'only a seventh, and then makes it impossible to organize a mass viewing. Too bad it could be an opportunity to know us in person!

Good FF1 all
Ayrton Senna Racing

Friday, February 11, 2011

Adhesive Back Instant Print Camera

Katherine Pierce

I'm back with some themed creations "The Vampire Diaries"
This time I present the collection of Katherine Pierce, a first version of my jewelry in question, which I called "frozen" because of the colors used.
addition to having placed the leaves in a completely different way than the original series, I made the base of the cameo in a nice dark blue and I finished it all with silver dust. This is the only finished and already sold, I'm working on three other cameos that will be finished in the same way, one of which is already booked so if you want to award a hurry, because the "Vampire Diaries addicted" and especially the fans Katherine like a lot of these creations and how successful they can be booked before they are finished!!
The price is the same as the "original" version which is currently only available copy on Blomming ....

several friends have already talked about this platform. A new niche in which to sell and who devotes part of its space is dedicated to those who own all'handmade.
Soon I will talk about how it works better than blomming but in the meantime you can read the posts of my friends ...
's post and wire colors Ila, the post of Beads of Wisdom , Bijouterie of the post, the post of Chez Bijoux Bobo, Melopotocon 's post, the post of Chimajarno , and I could go on but our small community, which we called "Blomming Street" is not so compenso però, presto verrò anche io a parlarvi approfonditamente di questo sito e di come funziona e farò un bel gadget con i link di tutti i negozi virtuali che potete trovare in questa strada particolare ^^ intanto vi spiaccico qui l'embed della collana di Katherine :P

E questo che c'entra????
Bhé in effetti non è certo di Katherine, è invece l'anello di Stefan Salvatore, e potreste avere la possibilità di vincerlo in questo Give Away nella mia fan page ^^

Per chi non fosse su feisbuc....potete sempre pubblicizzarlo nel vostro blog, linkando sia la nota che questo post, e lasciare a comment here, and of course registration will be valid as you will be considered when there is extraction ^ ^

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

10 Inch Reflector Images

Necklace Valentine is coming ... Starry Night

... and that day a married couple on the wedding cake will have these Pixie
^ ^

Already today .... very few words .... I have so many projects and work in progress waiting for me, then ....