Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Get Ridof Red Hands

The chestnut red, handed down by a particular combination of ancient knowledge.

Along with wine, chestnuts were once the usual food of ordinary people, due in part to their easy availability and high power efficiency.

Today we left behind the basic needs of the caloric requirement and instead look at this result with the attention that is devoted to the pleasures of the table and the concept of matching food and wine, you realize the value of this particular combination handed down from ancient wisdom.

Why red wine, however, is usually the most appropriate? It is true that much depends on the time of service, the seasoning and other ingredients that will make up the recipe, but it's worth ricordare che la gradevole presenza nei vini rossi, anche in piccola quantità, del tannino, una sostanza praticamente assente nei vini bianchi, mitiga la succulenta pastosità tipica della castagna.

Anche se si tratta sostanzialmente di un prodotto molto versatile che trova abbondante collocazione nella nostra tradizione gastronomica, vanno ricordati nello specifico alcuni esempi.

La farina di castagne, ricca di amido ed uti­lizzata in aggiunta alla farina di grano duro per preparare paste fresche oppure essiccate richiede in abbinamento vini freschi e sapidi come una Barbera del Monfìerrato od eventualmente anche leggermente vivaci come uno spu-meggiante Lambrusco di Sorbara able to counteract the tendency of the sweet dish.

If it is proposed, instead, a pleasant interlude, or a nice snack with the classic chestnuts cooked on charcoal fire in an iron pan with holes, you can pull over young red wines, fragrant, undemanding and H ^ gari with a slight residual sugar to mitigate the slight bitterness emanating from cooking over direct heat, such as Cagnina di Romagna, or Blood of Judas and the hills.

with chestnuts boiled in salted water and sieve to schiacciapate or you can prepare an excellent puree, following the same procedure used for the puree Jdfepatate, to use as a contour to accompany beef or pork sausages.

In this case it will be appropriate, depending on the cooking, use red wines more like a velvet painting Teroldego Rotaliano or an austere and tannic Aglianico del Vulture. The combination

chestnuts and red wine has ancient origins. M still a classic table
Nor should we forget that, because of their powdery consistency, the chestnuts are very useful to enrich a vegetable or meat loaf to give consistency with which the fillings are stuffed guinea fowl, turkey, or more generally, all poultry noble.

The presence of vegetables in the first case, will direct our choice to a young red as a Grignolino d'Asti, while the meat will be better for a mature Red Refosco dal peduncle.

When dessert we could really play around with pancakes, chestnut, candied chestnuts in syrup, or the classic marron glacé. Here the addition of sugar will make so evident the sweet component to advise important and structured wines, which are characterized similarly exuberant sweet note, in this case will be very good and complex as the wines soft or sweet Refrontolo Aleatico Elbe .

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