The jellies are my favorite candy ever.
me add also that this is just one of those news that would make the joy of the Great Chief Estiqaatsi (to say nothing of his venerable grandfather, Estigranqaatsi ...).
Jellies not grant me too often, you risk falling into a state of dependence hard and pure. If part of my foolish but persistent and chronic mental childishness, I had acquired over the year minimum that is required of self-control and inhibitions, now, faced with a truck and trailer of jellies, I would be able to drive well to get on all fours in no time, leaving behind a massacre of crumpled papers.
The reasons why I love the jellies are varied. The best guess is that of unconscious nature, which could be summed up in the short amount of time allowed by this concise formula: jellies because I like it ... yes!
However, if you were to limit my analysis to the unconscious factors, this article should already menga end here. As I go instead to linger a bit 'with a few pleasantries, I will to dissect the causes of my clear preference for sugary gommoide parallelepiped.
Almost needless to say at this moment I am writing in strict compliance with the Stanislavsky method. The sensations caused by a jelly know them very well from memory, but to talk with the greatest knowledge of the facts, with the identification and transport more intense than you can imagine, no less step to discard one, introducing it at a high rate thereafter between the jaws .
Scrisc showers ... (noise of the map ...) aaahhhmmm (the introduction of sound in the mouth ...).
Here, "I have it": we can continue.
The first thing to remark about gelatin is its close resemblance to those other types of sensual pleasures that stand between the love and the erotic. What is the factor that determines this instant feeling of kinship? In my opinion is definitely soft.
Tutavia, unlike other pleasures Codest actual and real, which often require commitment and hard work is not indifferent to be bundled with gelatin to make the biggest effort is to overcome the barrier yielding sugar surface. That cake flour, the wise "breading" sugar, to me is another example of the genius of gelatin.
Maybe I was too dark in my speak and then I say it more clearly: palleggiando una gelatina fra lingua e palato, veniamo calati molto in prossimità di una sorta di reazione propriocettiva che ricorda chiaramente quella scaturita da un profondo bacio alla francese (per quelli ancora più duri di comprendonio: la classica spanna di lingua in bocca durante una limonata all'ultimo respiro, senza fare prigionieri...).
Se da una parte però, la possanza della voluttà scaturita dalla gelatina è tale da contenere parecchi degli ingredienti del fare peccaminoso, per altri versi non manca di elargire nemmeno le prove più ardue richieste al più sapiente dei peccatori.
Il vero gaudente saggio è infatti colui che sa trarre il massimo dal piacere senza farsi fregare dal medesimo. I Our dear old were often used to assimilate the image of fire pleasure. The metaphor may seem rather tawdry and stale, but if we reflect on a moment we can give an account of how it is not so breathless.
From the fire we can receive so much heat for a long time, or burn the feathers with it in seconds. Everything is manipulated to know, to know how to measure out the right balance between the height of the flames and kept away from the source of heat. The same happens with pleasure, neither more nor less.
Where is the passage of the dynamics degustatorie jelly which best reflects this fundamental relationship with the mechanisms of pleasure? In my opinion, lies in the almost unbearable e semi-tormentosa tentazione di addentare in ogni momento il frutto del proprio trasporto. Per non mordere una gelatina bisogna essere in possesso di un dirittura morale di ordine superiore, di una capacità estrema nel sapersi destreggiare fra i meandri più insidiosi della voluttà.
Con una gelatina in bocca, basta un attimo per mandare in malora un lavorio estatico pazientemente costruito con diversi minuti d'impegno. Esattamente come in tutte le questioni erotico-amorose, la fretta e la precipitazione sono anche qui le più cattive fra le consigliere.
Un piccolo gesto mal riposto, un insignificante guizzo della mandibola ribelle, e facciamo crollare tutto il castello del piacere. Tanto che i frammenti dispersi in bocca di gelatina masticata hanno il sapore deludente della bella occasione perduta, misto ad un lieve retrogusto di senso di colpa.
Nello stesso tempo, la gelatina è foriera di profonde suggestioni metaforiche anche se la consideriamo sotto l'aspetto del suo gusto vero e proprio, del suo aroma effettivo. Non so se avete presente, magari al momento non vi sovviene, perché può darsi che abbiate assaggiato l'ultima un po' di tempo fa, ma fidatevi se vi dico che il gusto della gelatina è sempre “un passo avanti”. La gelatina sa di “irraggiungibilità”, il suo gusto non lo afferri mai in pieno, scappa sempre via, e questo ti spinge a succhiarla con ancor più dedizione, innescando un corto circuito sensoriale senza via escape.
also believe that this is a very erotic because of the gelatin. Typical of the faces of eros is in fact see the finish line moved ever forward, ever forward, while the reward is all the more pursued and appetite as we can keep it alive and integrates in its indefinite and indefinable desirability.
The tastes, smells, feelings of love all the breakers are never hugged enough, never covered with the satisfaction you want. There is always a detail that remains outside, not including a special, which nell'abbaglio of time lived there seems to be a nuance, but in the glare of the memory turns into an unbridgeable gap, deep well of sensual yearnings.
scriteriatamente Then everything can be consumed with a wild gesture solver and that leaves a hint of bitter disappointment, or sipped with a satisfaction, but also unable to clearly explain the mystery through which we passed.
At that point, when it will be reduced to a minimum, but we can swallow the gelatin without fear.
So, whether the patients have improved by a wise and sucking, or they have burned with irresponsible bites, the rule to which not even the pleasure of jelly escapes is unfortunately still the same: "... post gelatinam , Omne animal est sad ...».
me add also that this is just one of those news that would make the joy of the Great Chief Estiqaatsi (to say nothing of his venerable grandfather, Estigranqaatsi ...).
Jellies not grant me too often, you risk falling into a state of dependence hard and pure. If part of my foolish but persistent and chronic mental childishness, I had acquired over the year minimum that is required of self-control and inhibitions, now, faced with a truck and trailer of jellies, I would be able to drive well to get on all fours in no time, leaving behind a massacre of crumpled papers.
The reasons why I love the jellies are varied. The best guess is that of unconscious nature, which could be summed up in the short amount of time allowed by this concise formula: jellies because I like it ... yes!
However, if you were to limit my analysis to the unconscious factors, this article should already menga end here. As I go instead to linger a bit 'with a few pleasantries, I will to dissect the causes of my clear preference for sugary gommoide parallelepiped.
Almost needless to say at this moment I am writing in strict compliance with the Stanislavsky method. The sensations caused by a jelly know them very well from memory, but to talk with the greatest knowledge of the facts, with the identification and transport more intense than you can imagine, no less step to discard one, introducing it at a high rate thereafter between the jaws .
Scrisc showers ... (noise of the map ...) aaahhhmmm (the introduction of sound in the mouth ...).
Here, "I have it": we can continue.
The first thing to remark about gelatin is its close resemblance to those other types of sensual pleasures that stand between the love and the erotic. What is the factor that determines this instant feeling of kinship? In my opinion is definitely soft.
Tutavia, unlike other pleasures Codest actual and real, which often require commitment and hard work is not indifferent to be bundled with gelatin to make the biggest effort is to overcome the barrier yielding sugar surface. That cake flour, the wise "breading" sugar, to me is another example of the genius of gelatin.
Maybe I was too dark in my speak and then I say it more clearly: palleggiando una gelatina fra lingua e palato, veniamo calati molto in prossimità di una sorta di reazione propriocettiva che ricorda chiaramente quella scaturita da un profondo bacio alla francese (per quelli ancora più duri di comprendonio: la classica spanna di lingua in bocca durante una limonata all'ultimo respiro, senza fare prigionieri...).
Se da una parte però, la possanza della voluttà scaturita dalla gelatina è tale da contenere parecchi degli ingredienti del fare peccaminoso, per altri versi non manca di elargire nemmeno le prove più ardue richieste al più sapiente dei peccatori.
Il vero gaudente saggio è infatti colui che sa trarre il massimo dal piacere senza farsi fregare dal medesimo. I Our dear old were often used to assimilate the image of fire pleasure. The metaphor may seem rather tawdry and stale, but if we reflect on a moment we can give an account of how it is not so breathless.
From the fire we can receive so much heat for a long time, or burn the feathers with it in seconds. Everything is manipulated to know, to know how to measure out the right balance between the height of the flames and kept away from the source of heat. The same happens with pleasure, neither more nor less.
Where is the passage of the dynamics degustatorie jelly which best reflects this fundamental relationship with the mechanisms of pleasure? In my opinion, lies in the almost unbearable e semi-tormentosa tentazione di addentare in ogni momento il frutto del proprio trasporto. Per non mordere una gelatina bisogna essere in possesso di un dirittura morale di ordine superiore, di una capacità estrema nel sapersi destreggiare fra i meandri più insidiosi della voluttà.
Con una gelatina in bocca, basta un attimo per mandare in malora un lavorio estatico pazientemente costruito con diversi minuti d'impegno. Esattamente come in tutte le questioni erotico-amorose, la fretta e la precipitazione sono anche qui le più cattive fra le consigliere.
Un piccolo gesto mal riposto, un insignificante guizzo della mandibola ribelle, e facciamo crollare tutto il castello del piacere. Tanto che i frammenti dispersi in bocca di gelatina masticata hanno il sapore deludente della bella occasione perduta, misto ad un lieve retrogusto di senso di colpa.
Nello stesso tempo, la gelatina è foriera di profonde suggestioni metaforiche anche se la consideriamo sotto l'aspetto del suo gusto vero e proprio, del suo aroma effettivo. Non so se avete presente, magari al momento non vi sovviene, perché può darsi che abbiate assaggiato l'ultima un po' di tempo fa, ma fidatevi se vi dico che il gusto della gelatina è sempre “un passo avanti”. La gelatina sa di “irraggiungibilità”, il suo gusto non lo afferri mai in pieno, scappa sempre via, e questo ti spinge a succhiarla con ancor più dedizione, innescando un corto circuito sensoriale senza via escape.
also believe that this is a very erotic because of the gelatin. Typical of the faces of eros is in fact see the finish line moved ever forward, ever forward, while the reward is all the more pursued and appetite as we can keep it alive and integrates in its indefinite and indefinable desirability.
The tastes, smells, feelings of love all the breakers are never hugged enough, never covered with the satisfaction you want. There is always a detail that remains outside, not including a special, which nell'abbaglio of time lived there seems to be a nuance, but in the glare of the memory turns into an unbridgeable gap, deep well of sensual yearnings.
scriteriatamente Then everything can be consumed with a wild gesture solver and that leaves a hint of bitter disappointment, or sipped with a satisfaction, but also unable to clearly explain the mystery through which we passed.
At that point, when it will be reduced to a minimum, but we can swallow the gelatin without fear.
So, whether the patients have improved by a wise and sucking, or they have burned with irresponsible bites, the rule to which not even the pleasure of jelly escapes is unfortunately still the same: "... post gelatinam , Omne animal est sad ...».
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