Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pokemon Yellow For Mac

Goodbye yesterday

think about trivial idea, but fundamental: our identity is built to a very large part also on the things perceived through the vision. With "identity" I mean the whole set of existential factors we consider when we think of the concept of "I" and "myself".

identity as self-consciousness, in short, has a very large visual component.

I am also the environment in which I move, are the people who attend, I walk the streets. I am also the landscape that surrounds me, the trees, flowers, buildings, are the rivers, mountains, sky. All these elements are in turn channeled largely through the visual stimulus to me that they projected.

So far nothing special, there are considerations that could make even the first fool who met on the street. Today, albeit virtually, there has touched me on the road to meet electronically, so that part of the fool I do.

The curious aspect of the reasoning, however, is popped out when I thought about the "black and white." With amazement mixed with cold professorial wit, then I came to myself spontaneously breaking out with the most classic of academic exclamations: "Shit ... !!!...» I said, "... But the black and white is not always existed ...».

The world is irretrievably colored by virtue of more stinker of paradoxes, it took ages to get to see it in black and white. Tell me if this is not a bizarre and beautiful sound, a harmless oddity worthy of two reflections and three tasty shit to report on "andarperpensieri. More

reflected on the strange case, more elements of my brief survey of abnormal inner piled up. Yes, because on one hand the feelings and suggestions related to the black and white associate spontaneously to a thing of the past. A movie, a picture in black and white, from a view of the pure aesthetic and chronological line, "we consider them as persons who" come before "with respect to the corresponding colored counterparts, improved in a second phase.
Yet for the man, before the invention of that old uncle of the photograph itself that went under the name of the daguerreotype, was totally unthinkable and unnatural to see the reality deprived of their specific colors.

the conviction that life is not so important to find the answers, but is much more fun and challenging to ask questions, I found myself wallowing in this delicate question, but then, the black and white is a feature che è giusto abbinare ad un sensazione di passato oppure appartiene più alla modernità?

La fotografia ed il cinema sono stati fenomenali strumenti di innovazione zampillati dalla ricerca dell’uomo per fare un passo avanti verso la modernità e tuttavia, per le iniziali limitazioni tecniche, questo passo avanti era obbligato ad essere mosso a partire da una rinuncia non da poco.
I colori andavano momentaneamente perduti, scivolavano via da addosso alle cose, rimanendo di pertinenza effettiva di queste ultime ed innescando nello stesso tempo un senso di connaturata nostalgia inseparabile dalle nuove immagini riproducibili

Il nuovo modo di “immaginare” in bianco e nero nasceva dunque portandosi appresso fin da subito una propria nostalgia interna per i colori abbandonati. Facendo un passo verso il “domani”, ci si ritrovava in qualche modo intrisi di “ieri”.

Certo, va anche precisato un aspetto importantissimo del discorso. Non è che con l’introduzione della fotografia, e del cinema poi, l’umanità veniva catapultata ex-abrupto, come se si partisse da una “fase zero” concettuale, nella dimensione del bianco e nero. Il “terreno estetico” in questo senso era stato precedentemente dissodato ben bene da diversi altri strumenti della riproducibilità per immagine. A replicare un mondo privo di colori ci avevano già pensato tecniche d’incisione e di stampa fra le più disparate (acquaforte, serigrafia, puntasecca, xilografia e così via, che fa pure rima…).

L’idea della riproduzione di soggetti privati della loro originaria cromia era stato patrimonio concettuale anche di altre espressioni artistiche “più dirette”, come la tecnica del carboncino, solo per fare un esempio banale, o altri modi di dipingere o “lasciare segni” ancor più primitivi (per banalizzare ancor di più, penso anche ai graffiti preistorici).

In aggiunta a tutto questo, si può menzionare la potente spallata inferta alla questione da un altro involontario evento che lentamente, nei secoli, si era insinuato fra le pieghe dei meccanismi estetici to which man is susceptible. I speak of the idea of \u200b\u200b"classic", one of the fundamental categories of the entire "aesthetic human history, that has been strangely formed around an erroneous conviction.

When we think of the term "classical" in art, it is difficult to associate scenarios semi-automatically dispenses color: white plasticity of the state of Phidias or Praxiteles, the charm of the marble temples of Greece, etc..
The curious thing is that everything is based on a misunderstanding that can inspire almost smile.
These works have made it way through the centuries to come down to us in the wake a dramatic misunderstanding, because originally they were in full color and it was only under the mocking hands of time, we found that we returned the nude in their whiteness chiaroscuro.

short, though now out of sheer ignorance on my not come to my mind the most illuminating examples, there is no doubt that the black and white photography is not born with, or with the cinema. Yet the chromatic deprivation was probably never even been included in net so far and "shearing" as soon as those two techniques familiar to us now than they were introduced.

The novelty of the first photos and the first film has touched so effectively the illusion of a realistic reproduction of stress in a manner never before experienced the absence of one of the most powerful components of that illusion, as was that of color.
Every time that man, before the advent of photos and video footage was reinforced by images of the intention to reproduce reality, it was concerned first of all colors, they were his most immediate thought. Now, here comes the other hand these two new techniques that imitate the world in an amazing way never seen before, but fall by the wayside as a basic ingredient of their magic.

And to add yet only a small impromptu personal impression, not So when I hear a case that a person of 60 or 70 years or more tell a story of his youth, my imagination spontaneously fabricate the ideal frame of mind in black and white stories heard.

Perhaps it is precisely because of all these historical and cultural components that the picture or frame in black and white still fascinate us so much. Perhaps that is their tendency to that song with the temporality dall'attimo illogical in them since they were invented, there have always appeared veiled in an aura of enigma.
Maybe it's because today, in front of an image or a movie in black and white do not know if you ever decide to be good more modern although somewhat irrelevant, always present or even not modern.

Maybe it will be a bit 'for all those reasons, but not venitelo to ask me. To paraphrase the poet in fact, although much more modest in tone, as already mentioned earlier, "... I do not have the answer, I just do uòkk-enn-uòll ...».


Friday, March 11, 2011

Customized Wrestling Figures

A thought to Japan and two friends

tonight You can not practice the usual lightness of this blog with you in mind le terribili immagini provenienti dal Giappone.

La preoccupazione si fa poi ancor più densa sapendo che laggiù ci sono due amiche di blog, spesso simpatiche e graditissime ospiti nel mio spazio dei commenti.
Marisa (autrice del blog "Fuori e dentro di me") e Maria Rosaria (autrice di "Oceani capovolti") sono andate in Giappone a portare la bellezza della nostra musica lirica. Fortunatamente ho letto che tutti i componenti dell'orchestra e del coro del Maggio Fiorentino stanno bene, ma è immaginabile lo stato d'animo di chi sta vivendo da vicino una simile esperienza.

Niente...non aggiungo altro per non rischiare di addentrarmi in inutili contorcimenti retorici. Era solo per dire che, per quell'inezia che può forward, I am close with the spirit of the dear Marisa and Maria Rosaria, to all their colleagues and the noble people of Japan so hard hit.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Places Hiring Jan 2010 Brampton

Fragments of a speech gelatinous

The jellies are my favorite candy ever.
me add also that this is just one of those news that would make the joy of the Great Chief Estiqaatsi (to say nothing of his venerable grandfather, Estigranqaatsi ...).

Jellies not grant me too often, you risk falling into a state of dependence hard and pure. If part of my foolish but persistent and chronic mental childishness, I had acquired over the year minimum that is required of self-control and inhibitions, now, faced with a truck and trailer of jellies, I would be able to drive well to get on all fours in no time, leaving behind a massacre of crumpled papers.

The reasons why I love the jellies are varied. The best guess is that of unconscious nature, which could be summed up in the short amount of time allowed by this concise formula: jellies because I like it ... yes!

However, if you were to limit my analysis to the unconscious factors, this article should already menga end here. As I go instead to linger a bit 'with a few pleasantries, I will to dissect the causes of my clear preference for sugary gommoide parallelepiped.

Almost needless to say at this moment I am writing in strict compliance with the Stanislavsky method. The sensations caused by a jelly know them very well from memory, but to talk with the greatest knowledge of the facts, with the identification and transport more intense than you can imagine, no less step to discard one, introducing it at a high rate thereafter between the jaws .

Scrisc showers ... (noise of the map ...) aaahhhmmm (the introduction of sound in the mouth ...).
Here, "I have it": we can continue.

The first thing to remark about gelatin is its close resemblance to those other types of sensual pleasures that stand between the love and the erotic. What is the factor that determines this instant feeling of kinship? In my opinion is definitely soft.

Tutavia, unlike other pleasures Codest actual and real, which often require commitment and hard work is not indifferent to be bundled with gelatin to make the biggest effort is to overcome the barrier yielding sugar surface. That cake flour, the wise "breading" sugar, to me is another example of the genius of gelatin.

Maybe I was too dark in my speak and then I say it more clearly: palleggiando una gelatina fra lingua e palato, veniamo calati molto in prossimità di una sorta di reazione propriocettiva che ricorda chiaramente quella scaturita da un profondo bacio alla francese (per quelli ancora più duri di comprendonio: la classica spanna di lingua in bocca durante una limonata all'ultimo respiro, senza fare prigionieri...).

Se da una parte però, la possanza della voluttà scaturita dalla gelatina è tale da contenere parecchi degli ingredienti del fare peccaminoso, per altri versi non manca di elargire nemmeno le prove più ardue richieste al più sapiente dei peccatori.

Il vero gaudente saggio è infatti colui che sa trarre il massimo dal piacere senza farsi fregare dal medesimo. I Our dear old were often used to assimilate the image of fire pleasure. The metaphor may seem rather tawdry and stale, but if we reflect on a moment we can give an account of how it is not so breathless.

From the fire we can receive so much heat for a long time, or burn the feathers with it in seconds. Everything is manipulated to know, to know how to measure out the right balance between the height of the flames and kept away from the source of heat. The same happens with pleasure, neither more nor less.

Where is the passage of the dynamics degustatorie jelly which best reflects this fundamental relationship with the mechanisms of pleasure? In my opinion, lies in the almost unbearable e semi-tormentosa tentazione di addentare in ogni momento il frutto del proprio trasporto. Per non mordere una gelatina bisogna essere in possesso di un dirittura morale di ordine superiore, di una capacità estrema nel sapersi destreggiare fra i meandri più insidiosi della voluttà.

Con una gelatina in bocca, basta un attimo per mandare in malora un lavorio estatico pazientemente costruito con diversi minuti d'impegno. Esattamente come in tutte le questioni erotico-amorose, la fretta e la precipitazione sono anche qui le più cattive fra le consigliere.
Un piccolo gesto mal riposto, un insignificante guizzo della mandibola ribelle, e facciamo crollare tutto il castello del piacere. Tanto che i frammenti dispersi in bocca di gelatina masticata hanno il sapore deludente della bella occasione perduta, misto ad un lieve retrogusto di senso di colpa.

Nello stesso tempo, la gelatina è foriera di profonde suggestioni metaforiche anche se la consideriamo sotto l'aspetto del suo gusto vero e proprio, del suo aroma effettivo. Non so se avete presente, magari al momento non vi sovviene, perché può darsi che abbiate assaggiato l'ultima un po' di tempo fa, ma fidatevi se vi dico che il gusto della gelatina è sempre “un passo avanti”. La gelatina sa di “irraggiungibilità”, il suo gusto non lo afferri mai in pieno, scappa sempre via, e questo ti spinge a succhiarla con ancor più dedizione, innescando un corto circuito sensoriale senza via escape.

also believe that this is a very erotic because of the gelatin. Typical of the faces of eros is in fact see the finish line moved ever forward, ever forward, while the reward is all the more pursued and appetite as we can keep it alive and integrates in its indefinite and indefinable desirability.

The tastes, smells, feelings of love all the breakers are never hugged enough, never covered with the satisfaction you want. There is always a detail that remains outside, not including a special, which nell'abbaglio of time lived there seems to be a nuance, but in the glare of the memory turns into an unbridgeable gap, deep well of sensual yearnings.

scriteriatamente Then everything can be consumed with a wild gesture solver and that leaves a hint of bitter disappointment, or sipped with a satisfaction, but also unable to clearly explain the mystery through which we passed.
At that point, when it will be reduced to a minimum, but we can swallow the gelatin without fear.

So, whether the patients have improved by a wise and sucking, or they have burned with irresponsible bites, the rule to which not even the pleasure of jelly escapes is unfortunately still the same: "... post gelatinam , Omne animal est sad ...».

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Free Sheet Music Space Dementia

The Curious Incident of cinema legend

"... I am a creature of habit,
read the label on the elevator:
what capacity, how many pounds the door,
then opens the door and I already know more. .. "

" clouds of yesterday today tomorrow on our "(" routine )
Elio e le Storie Tese - 1989


friends, but you you feel more or mythological film?

"... there he was, we played the Gillipixel ... has focused on plot, losing those three neurons that were advancing, and now floats in the realm of happy unawareness of the "big bound in brotherhood" .... "

No, here is ... the question may seem strange, but in fact could be a harbinger of some interesting reflections.
"... Of course, the more you understand what the fuck go babbling ..." you reply yet. Okay, but you have come to this and if you grant me the space of one page, I'm going to start no less.

In reality, the issues nested behind my question is this opening, so many and so complex that deserve discussion at university level. But since I imagine that you will not have this time, I'll try to get along with the usual three shit.

What you essentially you're talking about here are two different conceptions of time. On the one hand, the time interpreted as an expression of a cyclical nature that is continually renewed, on the other, the time seen as a progression along which no time is ever exactly the same, nor the next.

would be hard to go to groom the cultural origins of these two historical conceptions. Perhaps a more clever than me you could do a better reconstruction of historical and philological-exegetical conceptually, but as far as I know, I think I can say that the sources of the two ways of understanding the time we can find and do not mix very distinct namely a bit 'in different cultures.

For one thing, the Greek culture contains within it the seeds of both views, having been the cradle of philosophy, but also one of the "apparatus" mythological more complex and articulated of all human history. Greeks, passing for philosophy, is then derived in some way science itself, the territory of election of the "progressive time", but have also gained positions "heretical" as Nietzsche's thought, which is again the cibato feeding the myth and the sense of cyclical return of the ages, not to forget the lessons and actions for Vico (fuck, I'm making pork than two thousand years of culture ...).
Not to mention the abundant flour dumpling that the vast history has received from the Jewish-Christian tradition, in which the concept of a progressive time focused to an end (salvation) has been further enhanced and articulated.

To add further confusion to my summary already weird enough, I can also remember how the other sides of the cyclical sense of time is paradoxically been reviewed with the latest frontiers of physics of the 'infinitely small. " Do not ask me to explain how it is possible, but apparently, I read somewhere, which descends to the minute size of elementary particles, the time that retraces his steps does not constitute an absurdity so obvious, like they do in the "macro-edge" of our human experience. Yes, dear friends for travelers thoughts, it looks like a subatomic particle can trace back the clock, going back in time.

So why I spoke of myth and cinema? Perhaps because there was already enough mess in what I have said so far? Perhaps for this reason, but especially because I think nothing better than these two basic narrative modes, in their "expressive do," manages to get in tune with the essential ways del tempo ciclico (mito) e con quelli del tempo progressivo (cinema).

Nel mito (insieme ai suoi cugini più prossimi, quali possono essere la favola e la leggenda), il racconto è sempre fondato su certi capisaldi fissi ed immodificabili della storia raccontata, intorno ai quali si possono intessere leggere varianti, coloriture, sfumature di toni e di atmosfere, ma mantenendo sempre una generale fedeltà al narrato originario. In virtù di questa sua “natura”, il mito non solo tollera, ma addirittura quasi esige la ripetizione.

Nel cinema invece (anche se, per “necessità metaforiche” sto facendo ovviamente un discorso semplificato e forzatamente generalizzato), il materiale progress reported to accumulate in the course of the narrative, which provides a beginning and an end, as were the details of an imaginary straight line thunderstorm. In the cinema (at least as a general rule, and suited to the instrument is so expressive, but then there are certainly exceptions here), the return to the top of the story to tell is to start a stretch.

Sure, it's good also review a movie, but it lives much more than the magic of the first vision. The moments spent in a movie for the first time they live normally as a unique unrepeatable, while visions replicated when we bear satisfaction, not only confirms an abnormal tendency of the film concerned to their own "mythologizing." When the film holds a lot of repeated viewing, is perhaps the fact that they have in them the "power of myth" of the story. A film review is a myth that we love disguised as a feature film.

But in the end, what matters most is how did the two dimensions of history are lived within himself each single person in a vaguely existential separation mixture. In many small newspapers
breakers, I realize that I tend sometimes to the size of the myth, and sometimes rather than film. I speak also of its minimal issues, small trifles of life.

add that probably il fatto di essere “mitologici” oppure “cinematografici”, non ce lo possiamo scegliere. Sono forse propensioni a noi connaturate e allo stesso modo del coraggio di don Abbondio, il “mito” o il “cinema” non ce li possiamo dare da soli.

L’opinione dominante, la tendenza che maggiormente si è diffusa fra le pieghe della modernità, consiste in una preferenza generalmente accordata ad un’esistenza da vivere “cinematograficamente”. Praticamente noi tutti “viventi dell’oggi” siamo stati educati a considerare la ripetitività come un fattore negativo, atteggiamento al quale fa da contraltare una ben più consigliata tendenza a ricercare the new, the unknown, the unheard. The monotony is the most feared of certain biblical plagues, and the troubled find new survey is looming as the promised land to which they should strive for.

Living life "mythological" but could be the egg of Columbus to achieve a state of serenity and balance. Man by nature, but more women (and is not a joke ...) shall be largely "mythology." The
are from a spiritual point of view, because our soul is nourished in the first place of certainties rinsaldate during the experience. In the end, bind to their loved can be seen as a repeat of the strong points of the narrative of his personal myth, that of life itself. Will

really good about something or someone (meaning "something", for example, a job, an environment, the "physical landscape" within which to spend their days, and so on ...) can be seen as the ability to learn always better to tell the tale of his everyday life. I'll be a very naive to say so, but I think we can fall in love, and really, only when we find new sources of interest and passion, who repeats, and repeats what is in their own identity.

The man is also strongly "mythological" especially from the physical point of view. The body is a mythical tale whose narrative revolves strongholds on the cyclical nature "sleep-wake", "hunger-satiety", "wish-fulfillment key ... uh ..." and so on.

The same biology, the chemistry of our own physicality seem to take cues such meanings. During the course of his life, cells and atoms all of which a human is composed completely renewed several times, yet each remains the same "story" has been and will be. I look
a hand, foot, or any muscle or limb or other detail of my body: I \u200b\u200brecognize them, are familiar to me, are the same as when I was a child and boy, and increase with time. Have changed in size and proportions, but remain the same part of me that I could observe at the time, although there are probably even more into a proton or a neutron then.

Why should we deem wise to continually go in pursuit of novelty at all costs, when our whole constitution of humans suggests that we are made to deepen what is stable? It seems to me that the fundamental way forward lies in finding more and more and more valuable to sound tones in the waters of those with permanently fixed as our primary existential horizon.

Then, of course, the temptation to want a reckless life, like those of the film remains very strong, but everyone can make their own evaluations and reflections on the case.

So, dear friends, dear friends and passers-by thought, in the end I do not even know why I started straparlare of these things today.

But you do this: the next time maybe you will show your body in a pool, or on a beach, care about the aesthetic concerns dictated by a string of bacon or a bit 'fuzzy of cellulite. Stop passing the first and proclamategli a loud voice: "This my ... person is a myth !...». And do not worry about the consequences. If you look a bit 'dazed and incredulous, it means that in essence, the fact remains he cracked.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Persimmon Table Runners

Gilly A, Two and a chicken

"... Under the bridge cabin
Pierin there that makes the poop, the doctor
the measure, the measure
stand under it's up to you ..."


you ever be visited by the "Genius"?
There's going to feel sometimes inhabited by a 'numinous energy "would not know the precise origin of which make properly account? And sometimes that all this occurs, there seems to savor a feeling similar to the incoordination of movements which are easy prey when fiddling with the razor in front of the mirror, trying to raise the hairs on and around the ears? (Actually, the first metaphor that I had jumped to mind was far more cheap, and "scurrilozza" instead of no: a matter of bewilderment onanistic the unusual use of the limb causes left in the proprioceptive response of the right-General of the solitary scholar "DIY" ... fortunately, however, that at the end of this metaphor has not really done anything ...).

But let's step by step and curbed the "fregnacciometro.

If I started well today, was of course to tell you how the "genius" is in effect from time to time I visit, which also happened to me recently. This does not mean to brag of being the guy that I suddenly found a linear explanation of the theorem of Riemann, or that if it comes up with a new theory capable of making the whole shebang less creaking economy and global politics.

If a little 'I know now, you know you are certainly not the type to brag too much of its supposed virtues. Instead, what I tend to do, if anything, is preferably somewhat slanted side dell'autoflagellazione. The combination between me and the "Genius" is thus quite different meanings of intentionality.

We must be clear on what you mean by the term "genius". Using this "little word" I mean those circumstances in which we seem to act (or, more frequently, to speak) driven by an external will. The phenomenon is expressed more easily in language, or at least in this sense it is easier to take immediate examples, and it is a similar case that I want to tell.

This is how the "genius" came to visit me. In
office locations are surrounded by three or four colleagues, so it becomes almost spontaneous exchange the occasional chat. My colleague on my left, I do not remember under what reasoning, I was talking about a certain bridge. I mean a real bridge, real, purpose built one of those artifacts to cross rivers, orographic obstacles or the like, without getting wet feet.

My colleague to my right, that joke is not above the tank, catching the ball on the bounce of the speech, caught my attention and said: "... ... Gillipix Bridge Cabin !...».
To which I, with instinctive reaction "semi-Pavlovian," I could not do without him eco-tone, then proceed as follows: "Under ... Bridge Cabin, which is Pierin poo .... "
To go into the playful exchange of views at that point another colleague tells me: "... But you know ?...».

Now ask me if I know "Under the Bridge Cabin" would be like asking whether Descartes knew what they were and ordered the x-axis. In mythology idiotic childish-70s are practically born in the middle, I have nurtured from an early age, I breathed the air of my childhood. Among the "ghost cheese" and "... there are a German, a Frenchman, an American and an Italian ..." good and essential part of my cultural background has shaped.

In particular, the sublime verses of "Under the Bridge Cabin" remember them in playful count used to determine who should "be under" hide and seek or other similar competitions bambineggianti. To be fair
exegetical should be added that there was also a version further "unconventional". Instead of the traditional closed end with "... turn ... to be under" extreme this transposition took leave from the last "counted" in the epilogue with mock surprise: "... a bell'asino is you ...."

whole atmosphere in the office joke had gone so condensing such stimuli around the edges "proust-ianeggianti. Was it perhaps for this reason that the "Genius" was once again way to express themselves through me.

I want to reiterate, though: if I speak of 'Genius' in association with my person, I do not absolutely absolutely no credentials to gain credit for ingenuity. This is not what I mean. Indeed, the very fact that I usually anything but a brilliant talker, is confirmation of my address. Rarely have the ready wit, are embarrassed dialectically. In short, in conversations leading to some brilliance.

is why I think I can say with even more justified knowledge of the facts, that the answer given by me all'imbeccata colleague, also for the extraordinary speed with which I sprung to his lips, was not after all my work, but the "Genius" which I furtively visited.

"... Under the bridge cabin, there Pierin that makes the poo ..." I have done precisely.
"... But you know ?...» retorted my colleague.
And I still, with the rapidity of half a blink of an eye, I then ruled: "... Of course I know: I have brought to maturity !...».

Wrestling Singlets Marine Corps


Whilst it may be that this year the Red Bulls are at the top and they are very close to Ferrari, with McLaren as the odd man out, we can already assume a clash between the top Yakuza and Palanca, which I favor, even though employees respectively Alonso and Ferrari's fortunes for the Red Bull. Yakuza probably benefited from the credits that have on hand. Following my team, but balanced that will struggle to bring some success at home and the teams in charge of the world bicampione Ayrton and Maltrainsema with similar characteristics (employed by motor Ferrari and Red Bull), and is another step Barilik back having a McLaren engine probably (but not necessarily!) lower.

How To Get On A Poptropica Creators Account


Now I've gotten: the engines are warming up, we're going to start the new season of FF1!
In fact, the start is postponed to the decline of the race in Bahrain, not bad, given that 20 races were really too much! This year a lot of novelty in FF1, honestly I have not yet "digested" not one of those new rule, I hope to enter into new mechanisms that could be decisive, given the balance that seems to reign in the league among the various team, at least on paper! Surely, I can not follow fantasy football with the diligence of the early and probably lose some GPs, because commitments ... double! Good
FantaCampionato a tutti!

Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Get Ridof Red Hands

The chestnut red, handed down by a particular combination of ancient knowledge.

Along with wine, chestnuts were once the usual food of ordinary people, due in part to their easy availability and high power efficiency.

Today we left behind the basic needs of the caloric requirement and instead look at this result with the attention that is devoted to the pleasures of the table and the concept of matching food and wine, you realize the value of this particular combination handed down from ancient wisdom.

Why red wine, however, is usually the most appropriate? It is true that much depends on the time of service, the seasoning and other ingredients that will make up the recipe, but it's worth ricordare che la gradevole presenza nei vini rossi, anche in piccola quantità, del tannino, una sostanza praticamente assente nei vini bianchi, mitiga la succulenta pastosità tipica della castagna.

Anche se si tratta sostanzialmente di un prodotto molto versatile che trova abbondante collocazione nella nostra tradizione gastronomica, vanno ricordati nello specifico alcuni esempi.

La farina di castagne, ricca di amido ed uti­lizzata in aggiunta alla farina di grano duro per preparare paste fresche oppure essiccate richiede in abbinamento vini freschi e sapidi come una Barbera del Monfìerrato od eventualmente anche leggermente vivaci come uno spu-meggiante Lambrusco di Sorbara able to counteract the tendency of the sweet dish.

If it is proposed, instead, a pleasant interlude, or a nice snack with the classic chestnuts cooked on charcoal fire in an iron pan with holes, you can pull over young red wines, fragrant, undemanding and H ^ gari with a slight residual sugar to mitigate the slight bitterness emanating from cooking over direct heat, such as Cagnina di Romagna, or Blood of Judas and the hills.

with chestnuts boiled in salted water and sieve to schiacciapate or you can prepare an excellent puree, following the same procedure used for the puree Jdfepatate, to use as a contour to accompany beef or pork sausages.

In this case it will be appropriate, depending on the cooking, use red wines more like a velvet painting Teroldego Rotaliano or an austere and tannic Aglianico del Vulture. The combination

chestnuts and red wine has ancient origins. M still a classic table
Nor should we forget that, because of their powdery consistency, the chestnuts are very useful to enrich a vegetable or meat loaf to give consistency with which the fillings are stuffed guinea fowl, turkey, or more generally, all poultry noble.

The presence of vegetables in the first case, will direct our choice to a young red as a Grignolino d'Asti, while the meat will be better for a mature Red Refosco dal peduncle.

When dessert we could really play around with pancakes, chestnut, candied chestnuts in syrup, or the classic marron glacé. Here the addition of sugar will make so evident the sweet component to advise important and structured wines, which are characterized similarly exuberant sweet note, in this case will be very good and complex as the wines soft or sweet Refrontolo Aleatico Elbe .

some recipes you might like:

rings chestnuts and ham

chestnut gnocchi with fontina

chestnuts sautéed in tartlet

Chestnut with chanterelles and montasio

rustic chestnut with bacon

Feuille with pumpkin and chestnuts

Mont Blanc

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Free Vidoes Of Monica Roccaforte

Blomming rulez XD

Blomming The street is .... hyperactive! ^ ^ And ipercreativa
It 's a nice place in which a group of virtual friends (and many other people) has set up shop ....

I imagine it's a bit like this street on a canal in Venice (photo taken from here ) very colorful, very characteristic and even a little crazy ...
Ongun of us is doing to grow their store, to ensure that the community will grow each of us advertises not only herself but also her friends, because there fantastic value for the neighborhood that makes it possible not only to all of them have a certain visibility to passersby, but also to grow some good friends .... when the barriers are cleared of the Web can this happen! So we can almost hug when we greet each other, it seems as if our stores are real, there seems to be really in the street .... and this also allows us to give more peace of mind to those who are generally reluctant to buy on the Internet by those who know little or not at all! Behind all this there is
Blomming , a site where you can really make your buying experience using the most popular means of payment in internet: Paypal!
Il sito è gestito da persone molto in gamba che aggiornano un magazine nel quale ci hanno dedicato questo post !

Oggi finalmente anche io realizzo il mio post con presentazione e spiegazione annessa....
La presentazione l'ho fatta.....adesso viene il bello XD ahahah
Dunque...innanzi tutto come in qualsiasi altro sito di questo genere, per effettuare acquisti (e ovviamente anche per vendere) occorre essere iscritti, quindi se non l'avete ancora fatto provvedete, ci vogliono pochissimi minuti! E poi? Come si fa a comprare?
In realtà anche questo è semplicissimo, ma siccome noi vogliamo lend a hand to those who are unfamiliar with these things, we are creating this post so that our potential customers do not encounter difficulties !!!!!

Come potete vedere in questo "embed" di una creazione di Ilaria, ci sono tutta una serie di pulsantini che consentono di effettuare molte operazioni rimanendo sul blog in cui si trova l'oggetto che volete comprare.....
Adesso vi spiego a modo mio come si fa, ma se sono in grado di spiegarvelo è proprio grazie ad Ila e a questo suo post in cui è tutto spiegato con immagini in modo che nessuno possa dire "eh non l'ho capito..." ahahah
Cliccando su BLOMMING in un'altra pagina si aprirà la home del sito.
Cliccando la lente d'ingrandimento si ingrandisce l'immagine.
Casetta, "cosino strano" e la I: cliccando il cosino (scusate for short-term technical ...) you can choose to share a platform on which the object by clicking the info I have there, as a description and price, click the little house back to normal view dell'embed. And finally there is
BUY, which is obviously the key you need to buy !!!!!!
If you want to buy once you click Buy you will see a "band" with which you can go ahead with purchase. CHEKOUT you click to buy the thing, CLEAN CART to cancel ...
Ok .... now what? Obviously Chekout is the last thing, otherwise people will end up with the paypal drained: P at this point opens a screen in which you place i propri dati e dopo aver controllato che sia tutto esatto si clicca il tasto in basso a destra per procedere con l'ordine, a questo punto avete finito e vi darà conferma che l'ordine è stato effettuato.

Sia io che alcune amiche, abbiamo deciso di dare un'altra possibilità di pagamento, che vedrete denominato Money Order, sceglietelo solo se intendete pagare con un accredito da effettuare su postepay, se volete pagare con Paypal dovete segnare il pagamento Paypal Express Checkout!!!!

Sono stata poco chiara e non avete capito un tubo? XD anche questo è possibile, quindi prima di qualche altro embed, vi linko i post delle altre amiche in modo che qualcosa of unclear or missing can be recovered by reading what they wrote them.
Sara explains what Blomming , what we offer compared to other platforms and what is missing (or missing, as the Italian version now available)
Judith presents the Blomming Street in a playful manner and ^ ^ joyful
Liria tells us how we came up Blomming and what we are enthusiastic
Alessandra us a summary of the various episodes XD
Silvia sobering on which people have little desire to get mixed up in traffic and hence on what is comfortable and easy to buy online!

links to all the shops can be found in the gadget to the right (ehm. ... maybe a little more up hahaha) and now .... EMBED !!!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Birthday Inviation Wor

Nuova Stagione,Nuove emozioni!

Nuova stagione alle porte e nuove scuderie che vanno formandosi propio in questi giorni con l'asta.
Il team 2 volte campione del mondo in carica AyrtonSennaRacing  del campionato Clark e' atteso da una difficilissima prova: quella di confermarsi campione per la terza volta ed entrare nell' olimpo dei 10 giocatori piu' vincenti della storia della FF1.
Mai come quest'anno pero' sembra difficile individuare il terzetto vincente, i test in corso non danno indicazioni  molto attendibili e, ad un mese dall' inizio del campionato, le scelte importanti sono ormai fatte.
Sara' molto interessante vedere come ifluiranno le nuove regole nel nostro gioco (Especially the race strategy), which certainly add more 'variables by increasing the' importance of prudent management of the race by the Team Manager.

nice surprise last year and 'the output to film a documentary on the history of the legendary Ayrton.
As his fans of course I did not lose 'even if it would have been nice to see this movie with other fans of F1 which you (the league is that other Clark) who live in the area.
Unfortunately, the programming and 'only a seventh, and then makes it impossible to organize a mass viewing. Too bad it could be an opportunity to know us in person!

Good FF1 all
Ayrton Senna Racing

Friday, February 11, 2011

Adhesive Back Instant Print Camera

Katherine Pierce

I'm back with some themed creations "The Vampire Diaries"
This time I present the collection of Katherine Pierce, a first version of my jewelry in question, which I called "frozen" because of the colors used.
addition to having placed the leaves in a completely different way than the original series, I made the base of the cameo in a nice dark blue and I finished it all with silver dust. This is the only finished and already sold, I'm working on three other cameos that will be finished in the same way, one of which is already booked so if you want to award a hurry, because the "Vampire Diaries addicted" and especially the fans Katherine like a lot of these creations and how successful they can be booked before they are finished!!
The price is the same as the "original" version which is currently only available copy on Blomming ....

several friends have already talked about this platform. A new niche in which to sell and who devotes part of its space is dedicated to those who own all'handmade.
Soon I will talk about how it works better than blomming but in the meantime you can read the posts of my friends ...
's post and wire colors Ila, the post of Beads of Wisdom , Bijouterie of the post, the post of Chez Bijoux Bobo, Melopotocon 's post, the post of Chimajarno , and I could go on but our small community, which we called "Blomming Street" is not so compenso però, presto verrò anche io a parlarvi approfonditamente di questo sito e di come funziona e farò un bel gadget con i link di tutti i negozi virtuali che potete trovare in questa strada particolare ^^ intanto vi spiaccico qui l'embed della collana di Katherine :P

E questo che c'entra????
Bhé in effetti non è certo di Katherine, è invece l'anello di Stefan Salvatore, e potreste avere la possibilità di vincerlo in questo Give Away nella mia fan page ^^

Per chi non fosse su feisbuc....potete sempre pubblicizzarlo nel vostro blog, linkando sia la nota che questo post, e lasciare a comment here, and of course registration will be valid as you will be considered when there is extraction ^ ^

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

10 Inch Reflector Images

Necklace Valentine is coming ... Starry Night

... and that day a married couple on the wedding cake will have these Pixie
^ ^

Already today .... very few words .... I have so many projects and work in progress waiting for me, then ....

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Inflamed Cervix Causes

How can you compare a work of art come la Notte Stellata di Van Gogh ?
Semplice...non si può...
Impossibile eguagliare una creazione così meravigliosa, ma come vi avevo anticipato nel post precedente (visto che quest'anno voglio mantenere le promesse che vi faccio :P eheheh) ho voluto comunque provarci e nonostante quanto premesso devo ammettere che sono davvero contenta del risultato!

Si ok non c'è la cittadella in basso a destra, ma in 6x5 centimetri di cernit non si può pretendere troppo no? :D
Ovviamente è tutto interamente modellato a mano con moltissima pazienza, un lavoro veramente lungo per il quale non è bastato modellare, ho dovuto anche incidere order by obtaining different color effects and "sense" of movement of the brush strokes of Van Gogh
Even if you buy this you can find it in my shop on artesanum ^. ^

E Finally .... a little touch really kitsch .... the moon and the stars glow in the dark! Oo a little fun .... I like to think that if Vincent had the materials of today he would give her the chance to light up the dark night skies ^ __ ^

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kates Playground Breast Silicon

Impressionism prêt-à-porter

The works of impressionist artists are always used in crafts. Over the years I noticed that the most popular of all is Klimt, one might say that his works are so beautiful that even a garbage can become a wonderful object when you are stuck on the Kiss of Klimt and his beautiful nymphs! But without taking anything away from anybody, I would say that it is easy enough to paste a picture on something to make the most beautiful and interesting, and when the images are paintings by Klimt I regret to say that it all becomes rather too obvious ...
I really like the Altered Art but it is done with style, originality, and if behind all this there are also concepts and humor that are part of everyday life as does my dear and talented friend Ilaria Filo and Ila colors, then the top of the top!! And of course his little works of art have nothing to do with a small object stuck all over with a picture of Klimt! Indeed about Klimt, Ilaria has recently made a request on his personal interpretation of ' tree of life and as you can see by clicking on the link made entirely by hand, a truly unique and special gem !!!!!!
All this to say ..... if it comes to art of the real one, of what everyone likes, the copy and paste .... worth little more rework and reinterpret the subject, using their own materials and putting so much heart .... and a touch of madness ^ ^

back to me, I recently saw a movie on RAI film about Toulouse Lautrec, this made me do a little dip in the past, made me think back to my studies in art history, I always had a special passion for Impressionism, and who is my favorite? Monet of course, that's why I thought of its nymphs to start this new line of jewelry. I think it's limited in number, in the meantime for those interested, this series is already in the shop on my Artesanum ...

I painted many of these lilies, always changing vantage point, modifying them according to the seasons and adapting to different lighting effects that create change its seasons. And, of course, the effect is constantly changing, not only from season to season, but also at any moment, as the water flowers are far from being the whole show, is in fact only its accompanying . The basic element is the body of water whose appearance changes every moment for as bits of sky are reflected giving life and movement. Capturing the fleeting moment, or at least leaves the impression that it is already difficult enough when the play of light and color concentrates on a fixed point, but the water [...] , being a person so mobile and constantly changing is a real problem [...] . A man may spend a lifetime in a similar work.

Claude Monet

Monday, January 24, 2011

Crest And Whitestrips -deal -coupon

Welcome .... to my "new" corner .... The Vampire Diaries

Prato bench for a Cake Topper, work in progress ...

Welcome, sit back, enjoy the scenery, smell the flowers, eat them or if you prefer ^ ^
I am Silvia, I'm 31 years old, happily married since May:) I
again to you, with new graphics and a blog in the name!
Ambitious? Hmm .... perhaps, but not I've done so far? One day

Sara, my gnome, saw Morkies and said that like her first love, so he asked me to adopt him and carry on a girlfriend to represent her.
* A very special thank you to Sara *
because she has completed the new header with those beautiful writing!

Once Frank contacted me and told me that he had seen the Auryn and I realized that his best friend had always wanted one, so I commissioned a Auryn Adriana ... which is proud and jealous its teSSSSoro: D

A couple of months ago I wrote Isabella, a friend of Palermo, who told me she liked a lot my Trollino but she wanted one of his own ... he was drunk! So I created this Trollino just for her:) And what about

Selena? She loved my cake topper, but he wanted one in which there was purple and above all ... a unicorn! So I created this cake topper for her with a cute lilac unicorn and many flowers! And yet

Alessandra who wanted a love Follettina with a pacifier in her arms and a heart ...

To them and all others that I have asked to accomplish something they wanted but still had never seen anywhere, I dedicate the new name of my blog. Have I not shaped by their small dreams? Just as I created for myself and many others, as well as continue to do in this new year.
So welcome to my new little virtual space, where there's all that I have created so far and where there is still room for plenty of new features, which I hope will continue to appreciate as you have been doing.

Friday, January 7, 2011 Freemovies

I hate Twilight.
I do not think there is better way to introduce this new theme in my blog ... Who does not
know either will not understand, just think "but there are vampires in both?" it is true, in both series of books about vampires, I reply with this brief conversation between Caroline and Damon, in the scene where precisely ... talk about Twilight (the fourth episode of the first series for those who If you are interested ....)!

Caroline: Because you do not shimmer?
Damon: Why I live in the real world where vampires burned in the sun!

In this series the vampires sbrilluccicano, do not waste time in useless baseball games put them at random because you do not know what to write. Yes, I hate Twilight, and I sorry if this will affect me in the bad publicity among the people in the vampire genre, but I'm not making these creations Vampire Diaries theme to make it a business but only because I love the series and the writer I also like ...

Ok ... without controversy, now I can return to the subject XD
has long had a pin that he needed a beautiful restoration chabochon because he was really horrible at the center, as well as you'll see that the series inspires me and I love it, I planned on doing the cameo by Katherine Pierce (at the moment is between the bad guys but I think there is a change ^. ^ or at least I like pensarlo) e di mettere delle perline a tono, ed è veramente rinato!

Non ho foto di com'era prima, nel momento in cui mi sono decisa ho pensato solo a smontarlo e modellare il cameo!!! Bhé vi sarà ormai chiaro che questo è mio :D eheheh e mi dispiace comunicarvi che sarà anche impossibile rifare una spilla come questa, non saprei proprio dove comprare la base visto che il negozio in cui l'avevo acquistata è stato chiuso!!! Però sto già lavorando su un altro cammeo e presto (spero) pubblicherò un'imitazione della collana di Katherine, ma non sono tanti bellissimi bijoux in quella serie, e molti altri che verranno concepiti dalla mia testolina in stile vampiresco e in sintonia con i personaggi...
Le idee sono tante, e per ora anche il tempo non manca, quindi spero di mostrarvi prestissimo molte novità!