Saturday, November 6, 2010

High Hemoglobin In Dogs

Dates: true caloric bombs are one of the richest fruits of carbohydrates.

born in the East have spread to the result of the Arabs in Spain and here in America. Excellent in the states of convalescence and to counter the softening bone.

The dates are one of the richest fruits carbohydrates, can get to contain up to 70%.

They are cultivated for over 4000 years in the desert of North Africa and the Middle East. The date palm is a palm tree, the fruits oblong, dark in color, grow in dense clusters that may weigh up to 15 kg.

Only in the Middle Ages began its spread, with the Arabs who brought it in warm regions of the south and east of the Iberian peninsula and later with the English conquerors reached America. The date palm and 'a plant rich symbolic significance: for the Egyptians was a symbol of fertility ', and the Greeks source of luck and prosperity', the ancient Romans used to give a palm branch to the actors more 'good, the charioteers and gladiators, for Christians, the leaves of palm trees are still a symbol of peace. It is said that the Emperor Augustus liked very much the dates and the first born in Rome palm originated from a seed planted by the Emperor's table.

In Middle Eastern countries this plant and 'still almost revered by indigenous people for its many uses: eating fruits nomads in the desert during the crossing and that is why they are called "nectar of the desert, its leaves are used to build huts, baskets, ropes, hats and mats. From it is derived, once its fermented sap even the "palm wine".

But oddly enough one of the world's largest producers of these fruits, and 'California. The date palm, with a straight trunk and rough can 'reach 20 meters in height. It produces dark-colored oblong fruits that grow on dense clusters that may weigh up to 15 kg. Each tree produces up to 270 kg. dates of the year. Most of the dates and 'dried in the sun in order to increase the concentration of sugars, so they become' more 'sweet, you keep more' long, and are available all year round. The date from the greek

daktilos (pronounced dactilos) which means finger, has a very sweet and fleshy pulp (for 66% of glucose and fructose) and contains a small seed in woody fruits are among the most 'rich in minerals largest manufacturers of potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium in addition to copper, zinc and manganese. Also contain B vitamins, especially B1, B2 and B6.

The 3 / 4 of world production is located in the Middle East, but are also cultivated in North Africa (especially in Tunisia) and in California.

Varietà di datteri.

Le varietà più coltivate sono Majhool, Deklet noor, Ameri, Deri, Halawi e Zahidi, Berhi and Hiann.

Disponibilità dei datteri.
Quasi tutti i datteri vengono fatti seccare al sole , in modo tale da aumentare la concentrazione degli zuccheri. In questo modo diventano più dolci e si conservano più a lungo. Questa caratteristica li rende disponibili tutto l'anno.

Alcune varietà (la Berhi e la Hiann) vengono invece commercializzate fresche.

I datteri secchi si presentano più scuri e grinzi, di forma oblunga irregolare, quelli freschi sono lisci e perfettamente cilindrici.

Guida all'acquisto dei datteri.
I datteri più diffusi, purtroppo, sono quelli della grande distribuzione, di provenienza tunisina.

Questi datteri sono di bassa qualità: piccoli come calibro e poco dolci sebbene siano addizionati con sciroppo di glucosio. Sono confezionati nella classica confezione di plastica, attaccati a un finto ramo di plastica.

Fortunatamente è sempre più facile find quality dates, Tunisia, Israel and California.
The best are undoubtedly those of Israel , very large, dark, soft and sweet. The cost is much higher (12 to 18 Euro per kg), but since the calorie consumption of these fruits should be infrequent and in small quantities, we think it worthwhile to spend a little more for a product of an entirely different category .
Datteri Majhool
Preparation of dates
The dates can be eaten alone, desserts, or with cheese , Association strongly recommend that you try. Excellent with all cheeses: goat, blue cheese (gorgonzola, roquefort, stilton, etc..) Sheep's milk cheese, etc..

The dates in the kitchen:

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